Article in local magazine - Swainswick Views - May 1998

Spring in Nightingale House

“Oh no!” said Jayne, “It’s going to be smoked venison for the next three months”.  “Don’t worry”, I say, “there will be another eight dishes that I need to perfect as well.”

Yes, I managed to get into the televised round of MasterChef - one of three people representing South-West England and Wales. Jayne has only herself to blame - she sent away for the application form and said that I should have a go.  That was a couple of years ago when I first tried out for the BBC amateur cooking competition.

After my first try, when I got into the non-televised round, I was determined to have another go this year.  When the application form arrived I duly answered the many questions, said why I was wonderful and constructed my menu:

Soon after sending in the application form I received that first phone call. I was selected to take part in a non-televised cook-off at Somerset College in Taunton at 9:00 on March 30th.  “When is Georgina’s 5th birthday party?”, I asked Jayne.  “On the 29th, the day before!!” came the not very amused answer.  “It will be fine, there are only going to 14 children and 20 adults”, I said.

The Saturday night before the party we had a few people to stay and I was able to practice my menu one last time before the Monday cook-off.  And it all went very well…

…until Sunday morning when I awoke feeling very unwell.  It must have been a virus going around that knocked me out - it had nothing at all to do with the couple of drinks I had the night before - honest Guv. Our friends were brilliant and did a sterling job getting all the food, decorations and games ready for the party. Monday came around all too quickly and I headed off to Taunton still felling a bit jaded.  Apart from arriving half an hour late, due to the scenic route I took, it all went off fairly well.  A week later we had the phone call again this time saying that I got through to the televised round.

And now it is mad flat panic trying to put together 3 three course menus with complete recipes, instructions and timings by the end of May. The BBC are coming on the 5th June to film a short piece on my life and loves, and my first televised heat of the competition is on the 16th July.  The final is on the 28th July - if I happen to get that far and then we will all need a well earned holiday! Up until then it will be practice, practice, practice and more smoked venison.

So, please, wish Jayne luck - she will need it!

Lloyd Burgess
Nightingale House